Monday, January 11, 2010

National Championship Game

I haven't been around for a while because we were off in Southern California. Let me just say the weather out there was so much nicer than what I came back to.

Bo had promised me that if Alabama made it to the National Championship Game that if we went I could go to Disney Land. Well Alabama made it...

And I got to go to Disney Land. Disney Land is different from Disney World, but I wasn't disappointed in the park as much as the service there. I had to keep on reminding myself that this is a different park and should be treated as such.

Sleeping Beauty's Castle is much smaller than Cinderella's Castle

I am really tired right now. So I don't know how much I will post this week. I must admit that we still have our Christmas tree up. It is undecorated and is just waiting to go in the box, but it still standing in the corner waiting to be taken down.

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