Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Exciting Games

Since Bo and I have gotten used to not having cable, and we have started playing a lot more games like rummy. This was one of my grandmothers favorite card games. She actually taught my brother and I how to play before we could hold all the cards in our hands. So to solve this problem she got us a circle thing to make holding cards easier. Our hands weren't big enough to shuffle the cards either so she got us a mechanical card shuffler. Maw, my brother and I would play cards for hours when we went to visit her.

Now, Bo and I play rummy together. This night I actually won, but most nights I don't.
This is Mancala. It is a simple, but fun game that I was introduced to in college. Bo usually beats me in this game also, but I really think he has an advantage because he counts all the time. So he knows exactly what piles of marbles to move. On the other hand I just move the pile that feel right to me.
Is there a board/card game that you like to play? I'm always open for new ideas.

1 comment:

Lindy Julian said...

I like skipbo, yahtzee, and rummikub