Monday, November 28, 2011

Alot of Excitment

A lot of things have happened since I last blogged:As you can see from this picture Boll Weevil is now into everything. He is still crawling a lot faster than he his walking, but he does have his first steps under his belt.

Boll Weevil has had his first Thanksgiving and he loves turkey and dressing/stuffing.

He also had his first trip to the ER - ear infections and high fever in the middle of the night are no fun for anyone in the family.

The biggest news of all is starting at the new year I'm going to be a stay at home mom. I am so excited about this. Bo and I have gone back and forth on this issue so many times. Finally we decided to give it completely to God, and funny how everything fell into place for me to stop working at this time in our lives. Bo and I are both looking forward to this. I know this transition will come with its own set of challenges, but I don't want to look back when I'm old and grey and say it is something I wish I would have done.

So is there anything new going on in your life?

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